1959 Scientific Expose on the Knuckler from Sports Illustrated

Scientific Expose The flow of air around a moving baseball knuckler is always fairly irregular. This is because a baseball is a blunt object, as opposed to a streamlined object such as an airplane wing, and the air through which is passes must do quite a bit of hurrying to get out of the way. […]

The Importance of Mentality to a Knuckle Ball Pitcher

It hit me like a freight train. My first professional appearance took place in Lincoln, Nebraska, for the Lincoln Saltdogs. And mind you, I had never really played baseball before. I didn’t play in high school and I only played sparingly on a club team in college. But lets rewind this story a little bit […]

Knuckleball Grips, Part 2

Phil Niekro showing his grip at the Baseball Hall of Fame As I discussed earlier, there are a few different ways to grip the knuckleball. And if you can throw a ball without any spin at 65-plus miles-per-hour, than you’ve got a great knuckleball grip. But there are overwhelming similarities between the grips of the […]

Knuckleball Grips, Part 1

The foundation of any great knuckleball is the grip, but there is a lot of confusion out there about proper knuckleball grips. Now, I say knuckleball grips because there is more than one way to hold a knuckleball, mainly because all of our hands are unique. But that doesn’t mean that you can hold the […]

Nationwide Knuckle Ball Camps

This is the first year that I have really gone out and traveled the country putting on camps. Knuckleball Nation has been seen in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Texas,  Nevada, Arizona and California. And I hope this is just the beginning. I’ve hit the road for a few very important reasons. This whole small business […]

Personal Lessons in Los Angeles

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