Tim Wakefield Knuckleball: A Tutorial
Tim Wakefield is the guy who inspired me to become a knuckleball pitcher. In fact, I was so fascinated with the knuckleball at an early age that I never pitched conventionally in my life. And it’s all due to that nasty Tim Wakefield knuckleball. My father had season tickets to the Red Sox, and we […]
NEW* Instructional Video — The Release
The first time I was asked about the release of the knuckleball was when I was being grilled by a Cincinnati Reds cross-checker after a successful tryout. I was 22 and was about to graduate college. I just got done striking out the side with 57-63 mph knuckleballs, and the cross-checker said he’d have signed […]
I get knuckleballers all over the world contacting me about the difficulty of the knuckleball. I think we’ve all been there. We’re out in the backyard and we want to show off our awesome pitch, but it just isn’t always there. You might throw three good ones only to throw ten bad ones right after […]
The Ultimate in Knuckleball Development
The Program — Three Phases, Three Booklets and Accompanying DVDs Each phase of the Program is a booklet with an accompanying DVD. Buy each phase individually or order all three for a discount. Click here to order. Here’s how it works: The Program breaks knuckleball development down into easy-to-understand skills. You master each skill at […]
Knuckleball Grip, Part 3: Depth of the Baseball
Phil Niekro’s tight, deep grip As I stated in the previous post about grips, there is one overriding rule to a great knuckleball grip — remove as many variable as possible to put yourself into position to have a chance of killing the spin entirely. That means using two fingertips to throw the ball instead […]
Steven Wright’s Hot Streak and The Importance of Mobility
Mid-pitch, you can really see Steven Wright’s thoracic mobility Steven Wright of the Red Sox has been on an absolute tear this season, emerging at the Sox most consistent pitcher. And that’s saying a lot considering the team’s payroll and superstar pitchers like David Price, Clay Buccholz and Rick Porcello. Wright’s dominant streak this season […]
The Importance of Mentality to a Knuckle Ball Pitcher
It hit me like a freight train. My first professional appearance took place in Lincoln, Nebraska, for the Lincoln Saltdogs. And mind you, I had never really played baseball before. I didn’t play in high school and I only played sparingly on a club team in college. But lets rewind this story a little bit […]
Knuckleball Grips, Part 2
Phil Niekro showing his grip at the Baseball Hall of Fame As I discussed earlier, there are a few different ways to grip the knuckleball. And if you can throw a ball without any spin at 65-plus miles-per-hour, than you’ve got a great knuckleball grip. But there are overwhelming similarities between the grips of the […]
Knuckleball Grips, Part 1
The foundation of any great knuckleball is the grip, but there is a lot of confusion out there about proper knuckleball grips. Now, I say knuckleball grips because there is more than one way to hold a knuckleball, mainly because all of our hands are unique. But that doesn’t mean that you can hold the […]
Nationwide Knuckle Ball Camps
This is the first year that I have really gone out and traveled the country putting on camps. Knuckleball Nation has been seen in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Nevada, Arizona and California. And I hope this is just the beginning. I’ve hit the road for a few very important reasons. This whole small business […]